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Instructiuni utilizareServiciul de vizualizare in realitate augmentata este disponibil pe dispozitie IOS si Android (smartphone sau tableta).
Daca accesati pagina de pe un calculator, transferul link-ului pe smartphone se poate face prin cod QR (dati click pe codul QR din dreapta jos si scanati-l cu telefonul mobil).
Dupa incarcarea modelului pe telefon, dati click pe butonul Vezi in spatiul tau (dreapta sus).
Indreptati camera telefonului catre zona in care vreti sa plasati produsul si miscati-l usor.
Produsul poate fi mutat/rotit pentru a fi plasat in locul dorit, prin tragerea cu degetul pe ecranul telefonului.
Augmented reality viewing service is available on IOS and Android devices (smartphone or tablet).
If you access the page from a desktop computer, the transfer of the link to your smartphone can be done via QR code (click on the QR code at the bottom right and scan it with your mobile phone).
After loading the model on the phone, click on top right button.
Point the phone’s camera to the area where you want to place the product and move it slightly.
The product can be moved/rotated to be placed in the desired place, by dragging your finger on the phone screen.
If you access the page from a desktop computer, the transfer of the link to your smartphone can be done via QR code (click on the QR code at the bottom right and scan it with your mobile phone).
After loading the model on the phone, click on top right button.
Point the phone’s camera to the area where you want to place the product and move it slightly.
The product can be moved/rotated to be placed in the desired place, by dragging your finger on the phone screen.